Free Play: The Essential Ingredient

So what can you do to offset the drawbacks of a busy schedule? Free play might be the answer. Here’s what it is, and how to incorporate it into your life.

Turns out that there are some pretty big risks involved when we start over-scheduling. Stress, diminished creativity, depression, and burnout are just the tip of the iceberg when we have too much going on.

We live in a world of schedules and structure. But what if we took the time to let go of our rigorous plan for the day, and just play?


Afraid To Put Your Work “Out There”? Here’s How To Develop Courage As A Writer

When we first imagined putting pen to paper, the scene was likely idyllic: ourselves, cozied up by a warm fireplace, or perhaps on a balcony with the distant sound of waves hitting the shore, complimented by a relieved smile on our faces as we excitedly begin our first draft.

Certainly, we didn’t imagine the truth, which features our teeth virtually chattering with a cold terror that seizes us each time we stare into the abyss of our (still) blank page.

If you’re a new writer, you’re likely wo

Published Poetry: Kelp Journal Inaugural Issue

There are fragments here

It is time now

to dig yourself up

going anywhere in the night

You can book a ticket to London

It will take you there under the sea

You can cop an accent

But, more important than any of these things

You can book a ticket to New

They don’t ask for a photo

Where you’ve been is no longer as important

as where you’re going


My love is this art

My wolf watches from the window

I let her in at night

These colors do no

Are Nightshades Paleo? And How to Tell If You Have a Sensitivity

What do these seemingly random veggies have in common? (Don’t worry, we’re not going to be putting all of these on the strict “do not eat” list like some other foods.) However, we are going to mention that these foods have a very important thing in common: they’re all nightshade vegetables. It means that these veggies contain specific compounds that can cause irritation in your gut, as well as cause or exacerbate autoimmune issues, if you have them. Let’s break down whether you should be consumi

Too Tired To Fight Or Flight? How Stress Affects Our Nervous System

Stress is a common denominator for most of us. Whether we’re late to work, experiencing financial issues, dealing with family stress or health problems, it can sometimes seem as if we’re never truly stress-free, and can almost start to seem normal.

In reality, chronic stress is anything but normal and can cause quite a few problems if it goes on for too long. Here we break down what makes stress so detrimental, and how you can finally start to manage it.

Typically when we hear anything related

Which Memory Can I Erase for You Today?

In 2004, Joel Barish decided to have the memory of his ex-girlfriend, Clementine Kruczynski, erased. He was confused, devastated and enraged when he'd gone in for the procedure, having discovered days before that Clementine had already erased him. He'd felt removing her in return wasn't the ideal form of revenge, but it was all he had. However, after Joel underwent the procedure and his memories started to disappear, he began to re-experience the positive memories of Clementine that were buried